There are three main ways to feedback about your experience of our GP Surgery and the service we provide.
Friends and Family Test
The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help understand whether patients are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed. It’s a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving NHS care or treatment.
We use the information captured via the Friends and Family Test to improve our service. It is anonymous, so if you would like to discuss your experience, it is better to contact us through our general feedback form.
Feedback and Compliments
We are continually looking to turn your feedback into real improvements in our services. We use it to focus on what matters most to our patients, their carers and their families.
If you want to share your experience or have a suggestion on how we can do things better to improve our patients’ experiences, please complete the below form. We’d also like to hear from you if you are pleased with the service you’ve received. We’ll let the staff involved know and share the good practice across our teams.
If you can’t complete the form or would find it easier to discuss your experience you can contact reception in-person or by calling 0121 357 1250 or 0121 360 7553.
Complaint Procedure
If you have a complaint or concern about the service you have received from the doctors or any of the staff working in this GP surgery, please let us know. This includes Primary Care Network staff working as part of our GP surgery. We operate a complaints procedure as part of an NHS system for dealing with complaints. Our complaints system meets national criteria.
How to complain
We hope that most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly when they arise and with the person concerned. For example, by requesting a face-to-face meeting to discuss your concerns.If your problem cannot be sorted out this way and you wish to make a complaint, we would like you to let us know as soon as possible. By making your complaint quickly, it is easier for us to establish what happened. If it is not possible to do that, please let us have details of your complaint:Within 6 months of the incident that caused the problem; orWithin 6 months of discovering that you have a problem, provided this is within 12 months of the incident.Complaints may be received in writing and must be marked for the attention of the complaints manager. Alternatively, you may ask for a member of the management team to discuss your concerns. They will explain the complaints procedure to you and make sure your concerns are dealt with promptly. Please be as specific as possible about your complaint. Please note, the complaint will be considered closed if the Complaints Manager attempts to contact you at least 3 times in 5 working days, with no response.
What we will do
We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days. We will aim to have investigated your complaint within ten working days of the date you raised it with us. We will then offer you an explanation or a meeting with the people involved, if you would like this. When we investigate your complaint, we will aim to:- Find out what happened and what went wrong.- Make it possible for you to discuss what happened with those concerned, if you would like this.- Make sure you receive an apology, where this is appropriate.- Identify what we can do to make sure the problem does not happen again.Complaining on behalf of someone else
We take medical confidentiality seriously. If you are complaining on behalf of someone else, we must know that you have their permission to do so. A note signed by the person concerned will be needed unless they are incapable (because of illness) of providing this.Complaining to Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB), Time to Talk Team.
We hope that you will use our Practice Complaints Procedure if you are unhappy. We believe this will give us the best chance of putting right whatever has gone wrong and an opportunity to improve our GP surgery. However, if you feel you cannot raise the complaint with us directly, please contact ICB time to talk. You can find more information on how to make a complaint at
Customer services – Time 2 Talk :: Black Country ICB
Email: bcicb.
Telephone: 0300 0120 281 and select Option 4
Address: Time2Talk, NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB) Civic Centre, St Peter’s Square, Wolverhampton, WV1 1SH
Unhappy with the outcome of your complaint?
If you are not happy with the way your complaint has been dealt with by the GP surgery and ICB time2talk and would like to take the matter further, you can contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO). The PHSO makes final decisions on unresolved complaints about the NHS in England. It is an independent service which is free for everyone to use. To take your complaint to the Ombudsman, visit the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman website.NHS England
Email – type in the Subject tab “for the attention of the complaints team”
(Helpline 0300 311 2233 – Customer Care Centre)Ombudsman
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
(Helpline: 0345 015 4033)
Website UK for complaints to other NHS organisations